Adults can work with CHEK ABC to achieve an Adult Dogwood Diploma.

Adult Graduation

All students have until the school year in which they turn 19 to complete requirements to achieve a High School Dogwood Diploma. However, adults can work with CHEK ABC to achieve an Adult Dogwood Diploma. Students can enter the Adult Dogwood stream when they turn 18.

To achieve an Adult Dogwood Diploma, students must complete 20 credits that include:

  • English Studies 12
  • Mathematics 11 or 12
  • either three 4-credit Grade 12 courses OR Social Studies 11 (or alternate such as BC First Nations 12) and two 4-credit Grade 12 electives.

Adult students who have not graduated pay $200 per course and if students withdraw BEFORE activating for an AD course, they will receive a refund of $125/course. If students withdraw AFTER activating, they are charged the full tuition and also charged the normal $50 withdraw fee on top of that. Adult students who have graduated and want to take a few courses to reach their personal goals may do so for a fee of $700 per course.

To enroll with CHEK ABC as an Adult Learner, please click on the Enroll as Adult Learner button: