Registered Homeschooler is a student who participates in an organized home-based learning program but does not follow the B.C. Curriculum nor works with a B.C. certified partner teacher from an Online School. Most registered student programs will be developed by their family or caregiver. Registered students do not receive any student allocations from their school – compared with Enrolled status students.

CHEK ABC supports Registered Homeschoolers by:

  • Providing them access to our Librarium resources (curriculum loan library) for an annual fee of $30 per student to cover postage and a book return/damage deposit of $50 per student
  • Allowing them access to assessment services such as the Government of B.C. Foundational Skills Assessments at grades 4 & 7
  • Allowing access to CHEK ABC Learning Centre and group activities for a fee

It is law in B.C. that all homeschool students be either Registered or Enrolled with an independent or public school by September 30th of each school year. Families who wish to Register, rather than Enroll their student(s), with CHEK ABC are encouraged to email or call the CHEK ABC office at or 250-352-0526 ext.222 for full information and/or to discuss the options and differences.

There is no fee to register your children with CHEK ABC prior to Sept 30th. After October 1st, we receive no funding for registered students so a charge of $30/student registration fee will be applied to offset administrative costs. Details about how to pay are included within the form.

For returning registered students, please complete the re-register form for the new school year. If this form is not received in the central office by September 30th, the student will not be considered Registered with us.

The CHEK ABC office will confirm that registration is complete upon completion of the online form.