Yes, most courses that a student completes at a BC post-secondary institution count toward graduation as elective credits at the Grade 12 level. The student can earn dual credits, which means they get credit towards high school graduation and credits toward post-high school studies.

The post-secondary institution must be recognized in the BC Transfer System.

Students in Grades 10-12 can enroll any time throughout the year.

Upon enrolment, the CHEK ABC high school team contacts the family and student. The student’s educational history, personal situation, goals, and family goals, are discussed and a course plan is set. The student is presented with several options regarding course delivery and timelines. Specialty teachers work directly with the student throughout each course. The student completes the work at home, and the CHEK ABC teacher provides all the feedback and assessment.

Students are now be required to take a Numeracy Assessment and a Literacy Assessment in Grade 10 and will have up to three opportunities total to get their highest marks before they graduate. Information on the Numeracy Assessment can be found here. Information about the Graduation Literary Assessment can be seen here. Students in Grade 12 are also required to take an additional Literacy Assessment in Grade 12. Students take these assessments through their School of Record and they are not associated with any course in particular.

CHEK ABC will arrange for local writing locations within a student’s community if we are the student’s School of Record. Cross-enrolled students will take the assessments at their school as they are not associated with specific courses.

Students should contact their teacher if he/she has difficulty with the course content. The teacher will then provide any necessary support or direct the student to places where support can be attained.

There are many ways to achieve credits within the Dogwood Diploma program. The CHEK ABC high school team will help determine the best options for the student. Most teachers offer their courses with adaptations in place for students who experience learning difficulties. Students have until the school year in which they turn 19 to complete the BC Dogwood Diploma. Extra time to complete is an option depending on the circumstances. A student may enter the Adult Dogwood program when he/she turns 18.

Teachers relate with students online, mostly via email and the Brightspace or Moodle programs. Expect at a minimum, weekly contact, as the student progresses through the course.

Tuition for School of Record students must be paid upon enrolment. The cost is $80/student or $40/course for cross-enrolled students. Completed course work will be reported to the Ministry of Education and will fulfill requirements towards the BC Dogwood Diploma.

International students in BC on a student visa may take courses, a tuition of $1300 per course is required.

Non-graduated adult students working towards their Adult Dogwood need to pay a tuition fee of $200 per course.

Graduated adult students who want to take courses to reach their personal goals may do so for a tuition of $700 per course.

CHEK ABC courses are designed with student success in mind. Students can write the provincial assessments up to three times over their Grade 10-12 years. The highest score will remain on record. Students are not required to PASS these assessments, but are required to TAKE the assessments at least once

Not unless the grade 9 student is coming from a different school of record.

Families may hire a tutor, if they wish, but CHEK ABC does not provide tutoring unless the student has a special needs designation.

Students can access free tutoring through Learn Now BC student centre:


Curriculum choice is limited at the high school level. CHEK ABC provides all course materials for core courses that have been designed to meet BC Ministry of Education requirements. However, there are many options for individualized resources and activities for elective courses.

Yes. There are credit options for: Equivalence (documented prior learning); External Credentials (such as Cadets, Lifesaving courses, participation in BC Games, etc.); and Course Challenge. A student can also get credit for Work Experience, or take a Career Program in their Grade 12 year.

CHEK ABC will send necessary resources to all students as soon as the application and enrolment process is completed. Brightspace- and Moodle-based courses may be started in as little as 24 hours. Any required textbooks are shipped from our central office in Nelson and usually arrive in about 5-7 business days. Textbooks are required to be returned when the course is complete. To return your textbooks, your teacher will provide you with a Canada Post instruction PDF.

Students are allowed to use only the AI tools specified by the teacher for any given assignment and only with integrity. Students must properly cite the use of specific tools or provide evidence of ‘chats’ or other information upon a teacher’s request.