- We focus on the heart of the child and the need to follow Christ in all aspects of their life.
Christian Discipleship
CHEK ABC recognizes that each child is uniquely created in the image of God. Therefore, every student has gifts, abilities, interests, and talents unique to them. We help identify these special “gift mixes” and assist the family to create a program that meets them where they are.
CHEK ABC developed from the call of Christian families across the province to receive an educational program with choice, flexibility and support for their children at home. We believe that parents are responsible to train and disciple their children. Our teachers come alongside families to help make this happen. We are a discipleship school,focusing on the heart of the child and the need to follow Christ in all aspects of their life.
What does our Christian program look like?
- We hire teachers who are passionate Christians. They view their work as a ministry and maintain a Biblical worldview.
- We encourage parents to include discipleship based Biblical outcomes in their educational programs.
- We encourage the use of Christian curriculums to meet Ministry of Education requirements.
- We include Bible as a subject area. Families can incorporate this into their program in an authentic way.
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