CHEK ABC offers a fully-accredited high school program.

There is great flexibility in course selection and our high school team works with students to develop a personalized program that leads towards graduation with a Dogwood Diploma or High School Completion Certificate (Evergreen). We work hard to ensure that all students experience success within their unique circumstances!

We take into account the goals and interests of the student in course planning. Students can start a course at any time of year and have up to ten months in which to complete it! Students who attend CHEK ABC as their school of record will write the mandatory Graduation Numeracy Assessment and the mandatory Graduation Literary Assessments. They are offered four times per year and students can take them up to three times over the course of their high school career. You can learn more about these assessments here, https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/provincial-assessment

Teachers make adaptations for students, as required, if there are learning difficulties. Online courses are easy to navigate, self-paced, and interactive. Bible is offered as an elective for credit and prepares students to graduate high school with a Biblical Worldview. Students can even combine their CHEK ABC courses with courses in a local school.


Through a combination of online courses, personalized pacing, and using activities a student is already engaged in, CHEK ABC students complete needed requirements in various ways. All CHEK ABC High School courses meet the new BC curriculum. To read more about this curriculum visit the BC Ministry of Education webpage regarding requirements.

In order for a student to achieve a Dogwood Diploma in this program, a student must earn 80 credits:

Required Courses (48 credits) *

  • Career Life Education and Career Life Connections (8 credits)
  • 2 Language Arts 10 (2 credits each)
  • a Language Arts 11 (4 credits)
  • English Studies 12 (4 credits)
  • a Mathematics 10 (4 credits)
  • a Mathematics 11 or 12 (4 credits)
  • a Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 (4 credits)
  • a Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
  • a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)
  • Science 10 (4 credits)
  • a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
  • Physical Health Education 10 (4 credits)
  • Capstone Project (part of Career life Connections credits) to be completed in Grade 12

*All students working toward a B.C. Certificate of Graduation (“Dogwood Diploma”), in English or French, must successfully complete at least 4 credits in Indigenous-focused coursework. There is no change to the total number of credits required to graduate, which remains at 80. Students should make sure to take the right courses by checking in with their school counselor or by reviewing the Grad Planner.  For more information on the Dogwood Diploma Program Requirements, please visit the BC Ministry Website.

Elective Courses (28 credits)

CHEK ABC offers many personalized elective courses that students can take. Students need at least three elective courses at the Grade 12 level. CHEK ABC students will often choose Bible courses, which are considered elective credits, to complete part of this requirement. Also, students can earn External Credits (for instance, from Royal Conservatory Music, or Cadets, or Red Cross Lifeguarding/Swimming). Work Experience or Career Programs are recognized ways of earning credit as well. Just ask us about what you are interested in!


If a School of Record high school student meets the requirements for a regular BC Dogwood AND also completes Bible 10, Bible 11 and a course needed for Bible 12 (Cross Cultural Ministry 12, Social Justice 12 or Contemporary World Religions 12), they will be awarded a $1000 scholarship.

Capstone Project

This is a culmination project or experience that allows students to demonstrate their learning using an area of interest as a basis for the project. This project begins in Grade 11 ideally and is presented to an audience to show personal learning and achievement, growth in the core competencies and a reflection on the post-graduation plans.

School Completion Certificate

Students with special needs may work towards achieving a School Completion Certificate, the Evergreen Certificate. These students have a highly personalized course program that includes a combination of Ministry courses, school developed courses, and life skills courses. Each student works at their own pace with the support from the CHEK ABC school-based team.

Provincial Assessments

All graduating students will be required to have written both Numeracy and Literacy skills exams at some point in their high school years. Grade 10 students are required to write both the Numeracy and the Literacy Assessments and Grade 12 students are required to complete an additional Literacy Assessment. Students can take these exams up to three times over the course of high school and the highest mark is used. These assessments are not linked to a particular course, and students take these exams with their school of record. Cross-enrolled students who take only one or two courses with CHEK ABC will take these assessments with their School of Record.

The administrators at CHEK ABC do their best to make arrangements for these exams in locations that are the most convenient for the families. If a student commits to writing a provincial assessment, but then does not attend, the family will incur the cost of paying for the invigilation (exceptions include family emergencies, illness and other such unforeseen circumstances).

Supervised Exams

Supervised Exams are used in any academic course to ensure authenticity of student work. Students are advised of the exam sessions held several times throughout the year and may be required to write at least one per CORE subject. Teachers may request more, as needed. The CHEK ABC office arranges for local exam centres and advises students of the dates, times, and locations. Supervised Exam results account for at least 10% of a student’s final grade, or make up the entire final grade if there is a large discrepancy and cheating is suspected.

Moodle and Brightspace

CHEK ABC online courses are offered through the Brightspace educational platform, although some students might still need access to the Moodle platform. Upon enrolment students are issued a CHEK ABC student email account and are linked up to their chosen courses via Brightspace and/or Moodle. This process is quick and easy! Students may be starting their courses in as little as 24 hours from enrolment.

Brightspace and Moodle are secure sites and the privacy of all our students is protected.

Go to Moodle

Go to Brightspace


Students will have up to 10 months to complete a course. If they do not, they can apply for a 2-month extension. The cost of the extension is a $100 tuition and allows us to pay for the teacher’s time for up to the end of the remaining 2-month term.

Students who withdraw themselves from a course after activation may be charged a $50 fee. This fee will be applied on a case by case basis.

Students who do not submit work samples for an entire reporting period in an activated course may be charged a withdrawal fee of $50. They will have to wait until the next term to enroll in the course.

Students who do not activate a course within 45 days of their anticipated start date may be charged a $50 withdrawal fee.

Course Extension

Click here for the course Extension Form.



Any high school student (grades 8-12) across BC can sign up with CHEK ABC to take courses, while still attending their local high school. Courses can be taken outside of their timetable, over the summer, or when a course is not readily available by their school. Students can get credit for activities already engaged in that may not be offered at their local school. For example, Cross Cultural Ministry 12 can be taken when a student is going with his/her youth group/family on a mission trip, or a PE course can be tailored to a student’s sport of choice while they are involved in a sport program.

The school at which most courses are taken is considered the students’ “School of Record”, and holds the student file. If a student is taking only one course with CHEK ABC and another school is the school of record for a student, the parents or student needs to inform the school that the student is taking a course(s) with CHEK ABC.

For students in Grades 10-12, all courses taken with CHEK ABC are $40/course. Tuition for Grade 8 and 9 online courses is $200 for Bible and Career Education and $300 for Science, Math, Language Arts and Social Studies


CHEK ABC is a fully-accredited and recognized organization authorized to offer schooling to students who are studying in Canada with a Student Visa.

Students studying in Canada with a Student Visa are not funded by the BC Ministry of Education. However, they are welcome to take accredited high school courses with CHEK ABC provided they pay the fees per course. Any high school student (grades 8-12) across BC can sign up with CHEK ABC to take one or two courses, while still attending their local high school. Courses can be taken outside of their timetable, over the summer, or when a course is not readily available by their school. Students can get credit for activities already engaged in that may not be offered at their local school. For example, Cross Cultural Ministry 12 can be taken when a student is going with his/her youth group/family on a mission trip, or a PE course can be tailored to a student’s sport of choice while they are involved in a sport program.

Student tuition is payable to Nelson Christian School Society by e-transfer, cheque or money order. Cost per course is $1300.00

Please note: International students must have a current Student Visa. It is the responsibility of the contact person to ensure the necessary valid Visa documentation for the student is in place while studying in Canada.

Refund Policy

In the event that a student decides not to continue their studies with CHEK ABC, it is agreed that the paid student tuition will be refunded as follows:

If the student withdraws prior to the agreed start date, $1000 of the student tuition is refundable. No refund of tuition will be provided if the student withdraws after the agreed start date. In all cases, the Application and Administrative Fee will be retained to cover administrative expenses.

Students who do not activate a course within 45 days of their anticipated start date are charged a $50 withdrawal fee.

Course Extension

Click here for the course Extension Form.