Please read through the information on this page before starting your INED enrollment.

CHEK ABC provides Inclusive Education services to students with learning and physical needs. We recognize that these students have unique needs and to help them excel academically we work with families to provide modifications and accommodations to their program.

Most of our special needs students meet requirements for extra funding for their schooling at home program from the BC Ministry of Education. These are students who have been diagnosed with a learning/physical special need, and who the BC Ministry of Education recognizes and supports with additional funding.

CHEK ABC supports these students by:

  • Providing a Inclusive Education Team that works with the family to develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and implement the strategies within the plan.
  • Accessing support services such as Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapists, etc.
  • Offering additional support staff such as a Inclusive Education Teacher Assistant (SETA) – Delivering specialized programming
  • Providing technology and software to support learning

Individual Education Plans (IEP)

Each special needs student is provided with a highly individualized education plan. This plan is developed in close cooperation with the parents, teachers, and Special Education team. The IEP outlines your child’s learning needs, the services needed to support your child, and how your child’s progress will be measured.

Additional Ministry of Education Funding

The BC Ministry of Education provides extra funding for students with special needs. The Special Needs categories include: dependent handicap, deaf or blind, visual impairment or hearing impairment, moderate to profound intellectual disability, physical disability or chronic health condition, Autism Spectrum Disorder, intensive behaviour interventions or a serious mental illness. *Please note that all of these disabilities must be diagnosed by professional specialists and be fully documented.

Specialized Equipment and Services

The Ministry funding allows students to have access to specialized equipment and technological devices that will assist the student in the learning process. In addition, students will also have access to support services such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Language Therapy and counseling services as needed. CHEK ABC also provides Educational Assistants to work with families and students in the home learning environment.

UIES Program

CHEK ABC recognizes the uniqueness of every student and we believe that all students should have equitable access to education. Students with high incidence special needs designations (K, P, Q, and R), do not qualify for additional funding from the Ministry of Education. However, we recognize the value of additional educational supports for these students. The USES (Unfunded Inclusive Education Students) Program, is designed to provide additional support for these students.

A CHEK ABC Teacher will work with the family to write an IEP for the student and make a plan for additional supports. Additional supports may include: EA time, SLP, OT, BI, counsellors, specialized curriculum, etc.

Individuals interested in the program must apply under the Inclusive Education button found at the bottom of this page. You will be asked to provide professional assessments by qualified professionals to verify the designation. Space is limited and application approval will be based on need and availability of funds.

Some of our students do not meet requirements for extra funding from the BC Ministry of Education but still qualify for additional educational supports. These students may have ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, speech problems, reading and writing difficulties, memory problems, delayed maturation or learn at a very slow rate.

Inclusive Education Program Enrollment Procedure

Admission to the Special Education Program at CHEK ABC will be determined on the basis of the following criteria:

  • A family interview with Inclusive Education Program Coordinator or Principal;
  • Parental agreement with all parts of the CHEK ABC Statement of Faith;
  • Commitment from the parents to carry out learning activities at home;
  • Suitability of the student(s) for self directed, home based learning;
  • BC residence and Canadian citizenship (or documented immigration);
  • Completed application package;
  • Submission of all previous academic and medical records (previous IEP’s, psycho-educational assessments, medical documents, speech, occupational and physiotherapy reports etc.) to apply for ministry funding;
  • Final recommendation provided by the Inclusive Education team

Step One: Complete the Application Package

Applications may be submitted at any time. A complete application includes:

  • Enrollment Application Checklist
  • New Student(s) Enrollment Form (completed online at
  • Request and Authorization for Release and Exchange of Information
  • History of Special Needs
  • Family Covenant Form

Step Two: Family Interview And Notification

  • The Inclusive Education Program Coordinator or Principal will conduct family interviews. – The Inclusive Education team reviews all of the student’s educational and medical records.
  • The Inclusive Education Coordinator reviews the family covenant.
  • A confirmation letter will be emailed out to the family to notify the family of the decision.

Step Three: Educational Program Start-up

  • A local teacher contacts the family and arranges a welcome/planning meeting.
  • The local teacher explains the family covenant
  • Any outstanding documents are collected and sent to the CHEK ABC office.
  • The teacher discusses and assists in curriculum choice as needed
  • A Student Learning Plan (SLP) and an IEP is developed by parent, teacher, and the SPED team.
  • A Student Learning Plan Agreement (SLPA) and INED Funding Form are signed and collected.
  • Curriculum is ordered and student begins the program.

For more information about our Special Education Program, please contact our Special Education Program Coordinator, Jan Van Caeseele at