Computer Lease Form

Step 1 of 2

  • Introduction

  • Computer Lease

    The Nelson Christian School Society is able to access PC laptops that refurbishes them for schools. These laptops are formerly from businesses or government organizations and are renewed and in good condition before we purchase them. The laptops are reputable brands - including Dell, Lenovo, and HP and are usually between 2-5 years old. All Laptops are provided with a working power cable.

    The computer lease program allows families to have access to an affordable, reliable computer that is paid for over a 2 year term. This program is not a revenue generator or fundraiser for CHEK ABC. We charge families the cost of the laptop with a small amount for shipping, taxes and time for our IT department to prepare them for student use. We do not charge any interest.

  • The annual cost to lease the laptops are as follows:
    Lease: $225.00 per year
    The lease cost includes taxes and shipping to the home.
  • Terms and Conditions

  • All laptops are leased for a 2-year term, excluding students in the Connect Middle School program. Families who enter into the lease agreement and the Connect Middle School program with computer take on the responsibility of the cost and upkeep of the Laptop. CHEK ABC will provide support for the first 30 days after the laptop is delivered, after which the family will be responsible to source outside support for any updates or repairs.

    After 2 years, the family will own the laptop outright. Students in the Connect Middles School program will own their computer after tuition is paid in the first year. Families who are regular enrolled are allowed to use their $200 school Based Resources Allocation for the cost of the lease and the Microsoft Office option, but not for any repairs of damage or IT services (such as virus removal).

    **If a family leaves CHEK ABC before the end of the 3-year lease, excluding students in the Connect Middle School program, they will be charged for the remaining years left on the lease. No refunds are given , and CHEK ABC will not accept returned laptops. If a laptop, is proven to be defective within the first 30 days we will work with the family to get a replacement.**

    Our experience with the program over the past few years has been extremely positive and we are pleased with the quality and durability of the laptops that we have received. We are excited to be able to offer this option to our CHEK ABC families.