A Personalized Education

CHEK ABC recognizes that children are each exceptional and have different learning needs. Each family also has unique circumstances, values, and goals. Therefore, at the Kindergarten to Grade 9 level, our program works with the family to design the right individualized program for each student.

How do we develop personalized learning programs?

  • Parents are first consulted about their intents for schooling at home and the goals they may have for their child(ren)
  • The unique learning needs of each student is considered
  • We pursue creativity through authentic, hands-on and inquiry based learning activities
  • Parents have first choice in curriculum
  • Teachers incorporate current activities into the educational plan (ie – if a student plays hockey, then hockey is part of the PE plan)
  • Teachers recommend curriculum that is accessible, well known, and nicely laid out
  • We encourage the use of computers – such as online programs and courses
  • Students can access resources right in their community no matter where they live – such as libraries, field trips, and learning centres
  • CHEK ABC teachers consider existing family rhythms in the planning process
  • There is flexibility in how the program is implemented at home

Trusting Relationship with a Teacher

CHEK ABC also recognizes the importance of maintaining a trusting relationship with a teacher. We strive to assign teachers to students who live in their own community so that there can be personal visits and the opportunity for group activities with the local teacher. The teacher can then visit the home, engage with the student, and get to know students in their own environment. As a result, planning is more organic, and assessment is more authentic.

How is relationship maintained with a teacher?

  • A teacher personally visits families upon first enrolling
  • The teacher incorporates each child’s interests and local activities into the learning plans
  • The teacher will visit at least three times per year to view all learning samples
  • There is weekly contact with the teacher. This weekly contact is personalized according to the needs of the family and can be via email, skype, personal contact (ie – group activity) etc.
  • The teacher gets to know each child on a personal level as he/she has the opportunity to engage with them within the community, such as attending dance recitals, hockey games, etc.

Living and Learning in Community

Each region in BC is unique and CHEK ABC understands the value of communities. There is a teacher in each area who oversees the local families and activities. All group activities are planned with the unique needs of the community in mind. Parent input and participation is requested and valued.

How do we develop community within our regions?

    • A teacher personally visits a new family upon enrolment.
    • Parents collaborate to provide input on what group activities they would like to have throughout the year.
    • Parents volunteer and assist with planning of group activities, if necessary.
    • Teachers plan group activities, learning centres, work shops, guest speakers, and field trips based on group need and interest.